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HealthCare Manikins
Patient Handling and Emergency Evacuation manikins are the ideal health and care manikins, but there are a few others you might consider.
Each manikin in our range was designed with specific training requirements in mind.
Below we have selected manikins which might be popular for scenarios in the health and care sectors and listed different features and uses.
CLICK HERE for Healthcare Manikin Selection Chart
"Ruth" and "Lee," the Patient Handling Manikins, were developed to improve lifting and handling training within the healthcare industry. Model: RLNPH50 / RLNPH30
Ruth Lee Developed this manikin following growth in demand for a product suitable for the health and care sector, specifically in relation to emergency evacuation planning and training. Manufactured from antibacterial material. Model: RLNEE
Price: From $4,584.00 to $5,768.00
Designed to achieve a 'fluidity of movement' that simulates an obese patient. Based on a 220 lb General Purpose Manikin, the extra bulk is built up with several weighted layers separated by Nylon coated padding. Model: RLN90B / RLN180 / RLN260
A cost effective manikin when large numbers of casualties are required. Weight of 17.5 lbs and are perfect for a large, multi agency exercise were a large number of casualties//bodies are required to be seen but not necessarily rescued. Model RLMASS
Integrated CPR / Airway Management Torso with IV Arm, IO module, and Thigh Wound Packing module. The included "Blood" Supply pump allows the instructor to regulate flow to the wound-packing module. Tourniquet compatible. RLNTR30-IV/IO
Price: From $7,100.00 to $7,350.00
Integrated CPR / Airway Management Torso with Thigh Wound Packing module. Included "Blood" Supply pump allows instructor to regulate flow to the wound-packing module. Tournequet compatible. RLNTR30 / RLNTR50
Full Body Airway Management manikin with IV Practice Arm.RLNAWM-IV/TOR
Staff might face and need to manage suicides and self-harm on a regular basis and need the correct training to safely manage this. Training includes the use of a hook knife to properly release a ligature. RLNLAW/TOR
Water fillable suit for Ruth Lee adult-sized rescue training manikins. Can add up to an additional 330 lbs. of weight to a manikin. Model RLBCS
Price: From $3,825.00 to $4,100.00
Full Body Airway Management manikin featuring the Simulaids Adult Airway Management torso. Adult Sized 5'11" for more realistic training. Works with nasogastric tube placement and accepts Combitube, E.O.A., E.G.T.A., P.T.L. and i-gel airways. RLNLAW/TOR
Price: From $1,648.00 to $1,803.00
The Ruth Lee Technical Rescue CPR manikin has been upgraded to the GEN2 manikin Shell. For use in or out of the classroom. The manikin will allow for realistic body-weight CPR training in rescue situations (confined spaces or entrapment) RLNCPR/TOR
The PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) Manikin was designed in collaboration with a leading mental health secure hospital, allowing teams to train safely and reduce the escalation of violent behavior.
The Ruth Lee Manikin Pregnancy Simulation Vest lets you transform any adult Ruth Lee manikin (excluding bariatric, Fire House and Water Rescue Manikins) into a woman between 4-6 months pregnant.
Bariatric Manikin-Sized pajamas to increase the realism of the training.
Replacement Feet/Booties for the Ruth Lee Patient Handling Mankin.
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