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RT Quick-Fit Stretcher Strap

Price: From $25.00 to $27.00

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RescueTECH Quick-Fit Stretcher Strap
RescueTECH Quick-Fit Stretcher StrapRT Quick-Fit Stretcher Strap
Available as a one or two-piece style strap for use with stretchers and backboards. Consisting of two straps with a loop at one end, to girth hitch around stretcher rail, and a connector at the other end. An excellent alternative to the "seat buckle" style connectors. Two-piece buckles manufactured of forged steel and require movement in two planes to detach. Easy to connect and adjust.
Part # Style Color WLL Weight
6201522 2-Piece Yellow 600 lb.s 9.6 oz.
6201524 2-Piece Red 600 lb.s 9.6 oz.
6201521 2-Piece Black 600 lb.s 9.6 oz.
6201532 1-Piece Yellow 600 lb.s 10.4 oz.
6201534 1-Piece Red 600 lb.s 10.4 oz.
6201531 1-Piece Black 600 lb.s 10.4 oz.
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