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RescueTECH offers the best of pulleys for Technical Rope Rescue.  Aluminum rescue pulleys, Stainless Steel rescue pulleys, EXTRACTOR Rescue Pulleys with safety Cams, knot passing pulleys, highline pulleys.  Includes products by RescueTECH, ISC, CMI, RSI, Petzl.  Great for High Angle Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Water Rescue, Search and Rescue.
Pulley Systems
Pre-Rigged Pulley systems such as Short-Haul and other mechanical advantage systems
Aluminum, Double Pulleys
Double Sheave Aluminum Rescue Pulleys for high strength and light weight. Features: Rescue Tech, R
Aluminum, Prusik Minding Pulleys
A selection of high strength Aluminum Prusik Minding Rescue Pulleys. Features: Rescue Tech, CMI
Aluminum, Single Pulleys
High strength Aluminum Rescue Pulleys. Features Rescue Tech, RSI, CMI
Stainless Steel Cable Pulleys
Designed specifically to be used with steel cable.
Confined Space Pulleys
Unique CSR (Confined Space Rescue) hauler pulleys with integral cam brake. Features HaulSafe CSR h
Knot Passing Carriage Pulleys
Knot Passing Rescue Pulleys that are compact and high strength. Used for passing knots, highlines,
Stainless Steel Prusik Minding Pulleys
Durable and strong Stainless Steel Pulley Sideplates and aluminum pulley sheave. Features: CMI
Stainless Steel Pulleys
Rescue Stainless Steel Single and Double Pulleys for rope and cable
Stainless Steel, NFPA Pulleys
Stainless Steel Sideplates on pulleys that meet NFPA 1983 construction specifications. Features: CM
Aluminum, Triple Pulleys
Triple pulleys made of strong stainless steel and lightweight aluminum.
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